For kitchen and bathroom renovations:
(photos attached)
The most novel and real way
.to see the final result.
1a Infografía presentada para un baño.
2a Infografía con modificaciones por el cliente.
3a Infografía últimas modificaciones.
4a Infografía - diseño final aprobado.
During the process, different infographics are carried out,
with them the client can see through a photograph
(which simulates the completely real finish),
how the design would be, thus being able to modify at your discretion,
for once approved, to be able to proceed to the actual design, with an exact idea of the final finish.
1) Infografía de una cocina, proceso.
2) Con la infografía, se van añadiendo elementos.
3) Con las medidas exactas del espacio.
4) Y los electrodomésticos que requiere a tiempo real.
5) Y se realiza una fotografía así de real.
During the process, different infographics are carried out,
they include the actual measurements of the place,
the elements that the client requests, etc.
Keep in mind that the resulting photograph is 99.999% accurate,
since even the introduced household appliances,
they are the ones that the client wants to add to the kitchen, with the specific brand and model.
Down to the last detail, to present you the kitchen of your dreams
Real time.